
Nutrition for the entire herd

You may ask yourself:  Why should I establish a mineral lick for the deer in my area?

There are many reasons that you should establish a mineral lick.  The main reason that comes to mind is bigger antlers.  Although this is the main reason to put out deer mineral, there are many other benefits.

One of the main benefits is antler growth.  When bucks grow antlers it is very taxing on the nutrients in their body.  By supplementing minerals it allows the buck to grow larger antlers and also maintain a healthier state for their body.  This helps them to fight off disease and body injuries while they are growing that impressive rack.

Does and fawns also benefit from a mineral lick.  Does that are healthier have more fawns and also fawns that grow faster and are stronger.  Mineral licks provide nutrients to the does that promote fertility and milk production.  A doe that has a higher milk production will have a stronger fawn that grows faster.  A healthier fawn also sets it up for the rest of its life, from being a good producing doe or a big buck.

Minerals also help boost the deers immune system.  Certain minerals help fight off disease promoting a stronger and more disease resistant deer herd.

Last but not least deer like mineral licks.  So they will hang around your area instead of moving on.  It is also a good place to keep a camera up and take inventory of the deer in your area.

At Boonner Buck we don't just strive to grow larger antlers but we also want to provide nutrition for the entire deer herd.